Fixed Deposit


The Fixed Deposit account is an account in the bank where an investor deposits a fixed amount of money for a fixed tenure (mostly ranging from one year to five years). This scheme is meant for investors who want to deposit a fixed amount, in order to get a lump sum after some years. The small monthly savings in the FIXED Deposit scheme enable the depositor to accumulate a handsome amount on maturity. Interest at term deposit rates is computable on quarterly compounded basis. The account can be opened by individuals.


Fixed Deposit
Features & Benefits

  • Attractive and assured Return.
  • Impeccable services.
  • A wide range of deposit products to choose.
  • Quarterly interest will be credited to depositor’s Bank account, if opted.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Minimum amount of deposits for open a saving Deposit account is Rs. 100.
  • Interest calculation Quarterly compound.
  • Loan available against deposit up to 70% of deposited amount after one month from the date of deposit.
  • Rate of Interest on loan against FD would be 6% higher than applicable rate of interest to your deposit. .

Pre Mature Closure Of Deposits

  • Fore closure of Deposits will not be permitted until completion of 3 months from the date of Deposits. Deposits foreclosed after 3 months but before 6 months from the date of Deposits no Interest will be paid. Deposits foreclosed after 6 months, interest at 2% shall be deducted from the normal rate of Simple Interest for the period of Deposit.
Shape Shape

शुरू करें अपनी मासिक
बचत लक्ष्य

मात्र 3000 से
और पायें ₹ 2.50 लाख
(5 वर्षो में)

तुरंत जानकारी प्राप्त करें
Call Now : +91 9918 556 555

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